I always considered curiosity to be my superpower. Asking why comes natural to me. Especially when I don’t understand. I want design to be user centered and to make sense. My mission is to find the pains and gains in every user journey. One step at a time. And to change things for the better. That’s what drives me. And that’s the core of the design process for me. Keeping the user in mind!
Design is about problem solving and about addressing issues in the user experience. As easy (or complex) as it may sound.
Don’t hesitate to contact me If you are up for a warm cup of coffee or a chat over Google Hangout. And if you happen to be in Umeå, Stockholm or Gothenburg there’s a great chance we might run into each other. Don’t hesitate to stop me for a conversation about great UX or the thrills of Gamification.

My biggest inspiration when it comes to designing new ideas is in workshopping with others. I find that the best ideas spring from brainstorming sessions together with others. The first idea that comes out might seem silly, but when you iterate it a few times in a workshop, you’ll eventually end up with something ingenious. I love to be creative in my work, but I am also quick and efficient when it comes to helping you out with producing digital content and media.
My roots are in system engineering, digital media, design and communication. I have studied at Stockholm University and The Australian National University. As a quite recently graduated student with new perspectives in the digital world, I will not hesitate to take on any assignments. – I am hungry to learn more and help to assist you with a digital case or consult you in a workshop.
Spiralvägen 21
90360 Umeå
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